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SEE ALL GOOD THINGS"I made Claypot Chicken Rice for everyone yesterday, to celebrate Chinese New Year – I’m Chinese, born in Malaysia. It’s a simple recipe, but I’ve never cooked for so many people before - that was my first time. I’m so thankful for Pru for giving me that chance and helping me prepare that meal for the whole team.
It’s not just about the recipe – you have to know how to arrange each portion, how to tweak the aromatics. How to make a decision quickly, for the team to follow. I’m really happy with what I did yesterday and so lucky to have so many good people around me to help.
I even got to take some home to my baby boy – he’s 18 months old and getting so cheeky! I call him God’s present; I had him in my forties and it felt like such a gift. He changed me; he made me never want to give up. Especially when we were in the refuge, and trying to find a home for us to live in.
Refuges are a good, safe place, and they have a lot when you’re in need – I achieved so many important goals with my old case manager. But I just wanted somewhere for my boy to have his own home; a quiet environment he could grow up in. We had been in refuge since January, trying to move out for many months – it’s not an easy transition, especially when you don’t have a lot of the documents that rental applications ask for.
But I never gave up; I couldn’t give up on my Jin. Finally, someone approved my application and we moved into our home in November! He’s walking now – still wobbly, but getting stronger. I remember bringing him to one of my Cook & Connect classes; my case worker at the refuge I was staying in had told me about the cooking program at Two Good Co, and about how I could learn more about cooking and connect with some people. I’m so glad I did it…with little Jin strapped to my body in a baby wrap!
After that, I got news that there would be a Work Work position available, and I got a call from Su asking if I’d like to take a job. Of course, I said yes! I love this place – it’s so good, just like the name. I feel so excited to keep learning, and to have an organised roster, and to work with such caring people.
I just want to do everything I possibly can at Two Good – yesterday I got to make everyone lunch, and today I did a photoshoot with some new blankets they’re making. My god, they are so fluffy – so warm to wrap around yourself, like a big hug. We’ve moved out of the refuge now, but the women in shelters that will receive a blanket will be so happy to have it over winter time; I know I would have loved to have had one for me and my little boy.”